Downgrade a SQL Server 2014 database to SQL Server 2012 or below

After an almost catastrophic 48 hour downtime with my existing hosting provider I decided to move my business, which involved moving a number of websites and their corresponding databases to my new hosting provider.

Now, the thing that I liked about my existing provider was that they supported SQL Server 2014.  My new one doesn’t (and neither do a LOT of providers for some reason), so this meant having to downgrade my databases from SQL Server 2014 to SQL Server 2012. Continue reading

How to target SQL Server 2014 from a Visual Studio 2013 SQL Server Database Project

I’ve just installed SQL Server 2014 and want to check what might break in my current SQL Server 2008 database when I upgrade it.

Thomas LaRock has written a great article providing a list of a dozen things to check before upgrading and I would definitely suggest making this your first port of call if you’re planning an upgrade.  Continue reading